How to plant trees only for reviews
How to plant trees only when there is a review ?
Some customers only want to plant trees for reviews and not for purchases. This can be easily done through the app.
Here are the steps
After downloading the app, set your monthly limit. The limit will determine the maximum number of review related trees that you can plant in a given month.
After setting your limit, choose your impact settings. You don't have to plant trees per order or per product but you do have to activate the app, by choosing a monthly contribution. This can be a very small amount. The minimum is 10 trees per month or $4.30 per month. This will activate the app for you and will allow you to set up the Shopify flow to plant trees for review. The other benefit is that you will get product, cart, checkout (shopify plus only), thank you page and order status page badges as well. It's optional if you want to set up those badges.
Setting up your Shopify flow. Once the app is activated, simply go to Shopify flow and set your flow with your review app.
Now, every time a review is submitted, one tree will be planted. To see a more detailed explanation of the Shopify Flow for, read this article
How to use Shopify Flow to Plant Trees
You will plant a minimum of 10 trees per month which will make sure your counter continues to increase while your customers will contribute with a tree every time they submit a review! As always, chat with us through the chat bubble on the bottom left if you have any questions.
Updated on: 08/11/2024
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